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Our Anna goes to Sri Lanka

Our Anna goes to Sri Lanka

Earlier this month, our speech pathologist Anna, wearing her other work hat for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA), was in Sri Lanka providing training in eye gaze technology.

Anna was invited by a research fellow of CPA to assist in delivering training to a group in Sri Lanka after two Tobii PC Eye devices were donated to Cerebral Palsy Lanka Foundation.

We asked Anna to share her experiences from the trip:

“We delivered a three-day workshop to a group of professionals who work with people with cerebral palsy, including physiotherapists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers and doctors. The group became competent at:

  • assessing children’s needs and ability to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication, specifically eye gaze technology
  • setting up of technology and software to use eye gaze for recreation and communication
  • Setting goals for individuals for developing eye gaze skills
  • Implementing eye gaze technology.

During the visit, six individuals were also assessed for suitability to use eye gaze technology. 

The reaction of amazement on the faces of the individuals when they controlled the tablets using their eyes was overwhelming and absolutely priceless. 

Supporting people with access and a way to communicate in ways that had never previously been possible, made the training and assessment experience invaluable. 

The people who attended the workshop gave overwhelming positive feedback, reporting that their understanding and skills of using AAC had improved.” 

What an amazing experience and privilege Anna – well done!